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Name: (Unknown)

Identifier (HEX): 0x32
Identifier (DEC): 050
Effect pointer: E620

Pokédex sorting 0x32 is a glitch Pokédex sorting in Pokémon Crystal.


  • Arbitrary code execution at region E620 in Echo RAM (a copy of C620). Can be ended with only a ret with no known issues.
  • Pressing Select may successfully load mode selection screen, with description "???????????????????????????????????????? ぉ CLIBa?qLBB 'rö??????D z??????????????" or similar. Can exit out to cause Kingdra to appear on the listing, as well as map corruption and the last Pokédex sorting becoming sorting 0xE6.

When accessed with C7D8 method

  • Pressing A may result in arbitrary code execution at region CD10 in RAM. Can be ended with only a ret with no known issues.